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 Soul Coach®

Individual Session


As an Advanced Soul Coach® as trained by Denise Linn, I can help you reach your highest potential for this lifetime. In an individual Soal Coaching® session I will help you align your inner world with your outer world. I will help you get in touch with your true self. You will be able to experience Soul Journeys that could involve resolving past life issues, or meeting your little (sub conscious) or higher self for greater understanding. I will help you balance your Mental (Air), Emotional (Water), Spiritual (Fire), and Physical (Earth) parts of yourself to reach your maximum potential.

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28 Day Program®


I can work with you individually or in a group over 28 days. Each week there are daily exercises and meditations devoted to getting in touch with a different element to help you uncover your true self, releasing blockages. The first week  is about connecting with Air (Mental), the second week is about Water (Emotional), the third week Fire (Spiritual), and the last week Earth (Physical). At the end of the program you will feel balanced and connected to yourself in deep, profound ways. You will be ready for a Quest and I can help guide you through the steps you can take to find answers for your lifes purpose or other specific intentions.


Soul Coaching® Workshops


I run workshops for Soul Vision Collages with special interpretations developed by Denise Linn,  Spirit Sticks for specific intentions, or other Soul purpose visioning group sessions.





" Connie is a beautiful soul, and guides her 28 Day class students gently towards their better selves! I loved the daily guided meditations, and grew with the daily workbook assignments, which are presented in a format where you do what you can each day, from minimal to extensive. Many happy memories from a fun class. I highly recommend it!" -Theresa


"I love your energy and support during the program (28 Days). Especially with Oracle Cards interpretation. I loved meditating together, doing the journeys. Clutter clearing brought up a lot of peace in me. My favorite part is collage making - I see the future and who is coming to my life in those pictures, and I love the interpretation as well. The shifts are so strong and powerful and I recommend this program to anyone! The whole program is just fascinating. I have so much respect for Denise Linn who created the program, and for Connie who brought it alive to me."         -Maryam 


For more information about Soul Coaching and Denise Linn go to:



®SoulCoach, 28 Day Program, and Past Life Coach certified by Denise Linn

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Ann Arbor, MI USA



Ann Arbor, MI USA


Please contact me for any questions â€‹

Upcoming 28 Day Programs, Sophia Circles Journeys,  Workshops and packages can be found on the Events Page

®Soul Coach and Past Life Coach as certified by Denise Linn,

®Certified Sophia Circle Leader by The Sophia Code Ascension Academy

© 2016

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